Wednesday 20 January 2010

Tour of the South

We've been round most of the south of Guyana since our last post. We visited part of the Iwokrama forest where Penny is going to work and walked along their canopy walkway, seeing parrots, toucans and the like. The second time we went we were helped (or hindered) by the presence of some serious American birders; they had all the right equipment so we had a look through their telescopes at tiny spots in the distance which turned out to be Guinness like toucan. They also had numbered lists to tick off in the evening (a bit like a Chinese restaurant - "OK, we got a 179 and a 218 this morning"). We then went off to an Indian village in the savannah and had a night camping in hammocks(fairly comfortably) in the jungle, having a go at fishing (not very successful but we saw some giant otters), shooting with Indian bows etc. From there we went to the savannah in the deep south, miles away from anywhere but managed some horse-riding (again, not very successful - pix to follow, we hope) saw a giant ant eater and swam in the creeks. We're now back in Georgetown trying to install ourselves in house, job etc. After a week in the country Georgetown,which had seemed very provincial when we arrived, now seems far too big and noisy!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see the horse-riding pics! Did you get any of the giant ant eater? Did you think of the Roald Dahl story? Did it look like that?
